How not to give up

Everyone, at least once in their lives, has given up after half an hour of routine or less. Nobody, no matter how much they are a lover of exercise, can honestly say that they have always followed their planned routine. Often this occurs simply due to lack of discipline. However, there are ways to lower […]

Forget about arguing

Any healthy relationship has its ups and downs, including more or less intense discussions. Although arguing about everything is a sign that something is wrong, anyone who says that they have never argued with their partner is either lying or does not know that their relationship is going astray. The way we deal with these […]

Rethink your success measure

With a busy life, it is so easy to prioritize other things over our fitness, and often this is for a good reason. Spending time with our family, for example, is always going to be more important than getting your workout in at the gym. However, there are also things in our lives that needed […]